Multiple exciton generation

Multiple exciton generation (MEG), or carrier multiplication, involves the generation of multiple electron-hole pairs from the absorption of a single photon. MEG may considerably increase the power conversion efficiency of nanocrystal based solar cells, though harvesting the energy may be difficult because of the short lifetimes of the multiexcitons.

MEG has been demonstrated in synthesized nanocrystals (quantum dots) including PbS, PbSe, PbTe, CdS, CdSe, InAs, and Si [1][2]. Recently, MEG has also been demonstrated in InP colloidal quantum dots[3].

The quantum mechanical origin of MEG is still under debate and several possibilities have been suggested [4]:

All of the above models can be described by the same mathematical model (density matrix) which can behave differently depending on the set of initial parameters (coupling strength between the X and multi-X, density of states, decay rates).
